Friday 3 April 2015



Basically, my strength is that i will focus or more concentrate during the last minute. I don't know this case in me is good or bad. Besides that, i will still focus on my studies even though i'm in an emotional condition. This is my strength because i'm a happy person that others cannot stop me from being happy although i face some conditions like heartbroken or something else. Furthermore, one of my strengths is i can accept comment from my friends and family. I'm sure that a lot of them cannot accept comments and they might be angry when other people talk about their weaknesses, but i'm not. I will use their comments as a reference to improve myself not only studies but in life. Other people may think that i was being bullied by others everyday by just listen to others comments, but i have to appreciate to have these friends that always support me and encourage me to do the right things. If you did a mistake, and  your friend didn't even tell you you did something wrong, thats not a friend anymore.


The only weakness inside me is laziness. This laziness cause a lot of trouble in me. For example, my class usually starts at 8 but i will arrive college by 8:10. I think i have to change my attitude to achieve my target. I think this is the only weakness in me. So, i have nothing to elaborate with.


When there's a will, there's a way. This phrase can be defined as if we do the right things, actually there will be many ways for us to go and to achieve our targets. So, there aer a lot of opportunities are waiting for me. But, we must try new things and do not afraid of challenges plus don't give up when you see an obstacle blocks your way. I think there are no special opportunities for me. My only principle is just be myself to do things right.


To acieve my target, the only threat is examinations. Our A-LEVELS results is usually based on fully examination. As that is the only thing taht threaten me, so i have to work hard to get through this obstacle.

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