Friday 3 April 2015



Basically, my strength is that i will focus or more concentrate during the last minute. I don't know this case in me is good or bad. Besides that, i will still focus on my studies even though i'm in an emotional condition. This is my strength because i'm a happy person that others cannot stop me from being happy although i face some conditions like heartbroken or something else. Furthermore, one of my strengths is i can accept comment from my friends and family. I'm sure that a lot of them cannot accept comments and they might be angry when other people talk about their weaknesses, but i'm not. I will use their comments as a reference to improve myself not only studies but in life. Other people may think that i was being bullied by others everyday by just listen to others comments, but i have to appreciate to have these friends that always support me and encourage me to do the right things. If you did a mistake, and  your friend didn't even tell you you did something wrong, thats not a friend anymore.


The only weakness inside me is laziness. This laziness cause a lot of trouble in me. For example, my class usually starts at 8 but i will arrive college by 8:10. I think i have to change my attitude to achieve my target. I think this is the only weakness in me. So, i have nothing to elaborate with.


When there's a will, there's a way. This phrase can be defined as if we do the right things, actually there will be many ways for us to go and to achieve our targets. So, there aer a lot of opportunities are waiting for me. But, we must try new things and do not afraid of challenges plus don't give up when you see an obstacle blocks your way. I think there are no special opportunities for me. My only principle is just be myself to do things right.


To acieve my target, the only threat is examinations. Our A-LEVELS results is usually based on fully examination. As that is the only thing taht threaten me, so i have to work hard to get through this obstacle.

Wednesday 1 April 2015

I want to score a goal in a football game.
Achieve good results in AS TRIAL, AS, A2 TRIAL, A2
Break my highscore in Temple Run
Be an economist.



Tuesday 31 March 2015





Before i started this MPU programme, i think i didn't focus that much on studies. Till my lecturer taught me that what should i start doing to achieve my target in the future, i promise myself that i have to concentrate on my studies and decrease the amount of hangout with my friends. As CAMBRIDGE A- LEVELS programme is a harder programme to study compare to others like SOUTH AUSTRALIAN MATRICULATION or CANADIAN PRE-UNIVERSITY , so i have to put more effort to achieve a good results in my AS Trial and my AS as well. By then, i can fulfil my dreams to continue my studies in the United Kingdom. In conclusion, i have to concentrate and work hard on my studies.


Based on the newspapers or Facebook, we all know that its all about IT in this world.
But, i found out that since i first get my smartphone, i am really addict to those social networks such as WhatsApp, WeChat, Facebook, LINE, Twitter and so on. I keep on scrolling my phone on and on and on non-stop. So, to stop this thing to continue, i have to reduce my time on surfing social networks and take this golden time to study.


First of all, i am really interested in politics especially in MALAYSIA.

Monday 30 March 2015


The movie that inspired me 
It was not an action movie or some popular series. It was just a one hour documentary movie about the life of a notable and renowned American investor called Warren Buffet. Warren Edward Buffet, an illustrious and notable investor in the USA. Buffett is the chairman, CEO and largest shareholder of Berkshire Hathaway, and consistently ranked among the world's wealthiest people. He was ranked as the world's wealthiest person in 2008 and as the third wealthiest in 2011. In 2012. Time named Buffett one of the world's most influential people. 
As one of the most richest investor in the globe, what I expected from him was having luxury bungalows, a few swimming pools or a few Ferrarris. But, what I seen from the video was totally different scenario.Until today, Warren still lives in a small and simple house that he bought 50 years ago for $31000 dollars! Ignoring the billions profit he had made for his entire life, he still remain low profile in his daily life. For an instance, his office still remain the same state after he had working there for 47 years without any expansion or renovation! In terms of food, he admitted he sometimes has chocolate-chip ice cream for breakfast. He also loves Utz Potato  Stix and has said his favorite meal is a cheeseburger with a Cherry Coke. In fact, from the video, what I found out this billionaire enjoys a t-bone set in Gorat’s steak house. In fact, Buffet has a friendly and charming personality especially in terms of socializing with other people.  
When he was young, he was afraid for public speaking so he attended the Dale Carnegie course to brush up his speaking skills. During his 20s, he even went for teaching in a school in finance. With his excellent socializing skills, his employee are impressed and respected him as a true leader. According to his employee, he described Kevin Clayton as a joy to work with. According to Cathy Baron-Tamraz, “He is a master psychologist. He made us feel like when we can do no wrong and that whatever we do is going to be the right decision.” His charming personality is also a critical financial asset which saved his money and time. For example, Buffet bought the Nebraska Furniture Mart from Rose Blumpkin without any lawyer, auditors and any legal procedures. He just bought the company for $ 15 million from that old lady.
From the movie what I saw was a rich man doesn’t necessary to own macro bungalows or luxury supercars. For Buffet, what happiness defined to him is just simplicity as we know that simplicity brings satisfaction which leads to happiness. In my point of view, what is the point owning a billion but we did not share this wealth with other people? Secondly, the most significant for all of us- give back to the society. Buffet gave out $3 billion for the gates foundation in order to help the one in needs. Giving it back to the society will give you the satisfaction you will never know. Life will be meaningful if you know how to share yours to others.

In conclusion, we all want to be rich, that’s human’s wants, but always remember besides monetary, what else that cherishes the most in your life? Family? Your love? Friends? For me, I would put my family and friends as my first priority before luxury. At the same time, i would keep pushing  myself to reach my life target that is to be rich in cash and knowledge. 

Sunday 29 March 2015

Taylors Graduate Capabilities


Based on this JOHARI window, i can truely know myself and what kind of person i am in my friends sight. First of all, we can see that majority of my friends voted friendly for me. Am i that friendly? I have no idea. Secondly, they say i am an energetic person. Yes, i am as i do a lot of sport. Of course those stamina is in me. An athlete or can be known as sportsman must be energetic. Thirdly, they also voted caring and kind for me. I still remember that my funny lecturer told the class that when i see a dog or a cat by the roadside, i will stop and give them some food to eat. Ok, i admit it. The non-highlighted words are just their personally perspective towards me. So, my characteristics or persanality that can be proven are just those that already been highlighted.

Name : Dylan Kok Chin Henz
Age : 18
Email :
Origin : Kuching, Sarawak.
Hobby : Dancing and Sporting.
Favourite Food : Spaghetti
Favourite Drinks : ICE MILO
Favourite Dance : Popping and BBOY
Favourite Sport : Badminton
Favourite Song : Night Changes
Favourite Singer : John Legend

Personality Test
- Extravert (22%)
- Sensing (25%)
- Feeling (50%)
- Judging (11%)